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An employment lawyer focuses on issues surrounding employment. Whether you are an employer or an employee, your work can be stressful. There are a variety of regulations regarding the workplace and an employment lawyer can help ensure that your workplace complies with them. An employment lawyer typically charges an hourly rate. Most attorneys will...

When you're facing discrimination at work, an employment lawyer can help. There are many different kinds of discrimination, and an attorney can help you determine whether your employer is violating your legal rights. To avoid discrimination, learn the signs of this issue and contact an attorney as soon as possible. You may be able to file a lawsuit...

If you are having problems in the workplace, you may need the help of an employment lawyer. These lawyers can help you prove that your employer has discriminated against you. The laws of discrimination vary from state to state, but generally, employers can't discriminate based on race, national origin, or religion. The Civil Rights Act of 1964...

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